Winter NAMM 2006 Photos
Anaheim Convention Center
Peronsal Highlight - Meeting and conversing with the amazing Tony Franklin
LOVING that 10 String Bee Bass
Beautiful Uprights
Attempting to thump the beautiful upright!
Incredible Paint Job
Killer DW Drum kit
The Massive Roland Booth
Another shot of the Roland Booth
The Dean Booth Girls
Unique Yamaha Bridge, enhancing the B String
Some showing off at the Modulus Booth
Hughes & Kettner makes the coolest looking amps
Minarik has some very unique body styles
Phil Jones amps continue to amaze everyone
Yves Carbonne doing a little breakout jam. Absolutely beautiful playing.
Close encounter with Gene Simmons
I was actually trying to pass his entourage when he turned and stopped, so I shot a photo of him.
David Dyson Impromptu Jam w Steve Jenkins - Both bassists were very impressive!